The Longleaf Tee System makes every round more fun, every course more playable, and allows the facility to be more successful.
— Bill Bergin, ASGCA, Longleaf Architect


In its current form, golf is struggling to grow. Most courses are simply too hard and unwelcoming for those who aren’t the more highly skilled players. The holes are too long, the pressure to play at a proper pace is too great, and the emphasis on scoring lower can be too formidable. Without creating multiple types of golf courses specifically designed for every kind of player, the game caters to a limited market. But what if there was a way to recreate that same expectation for every type of player? A way for each golfer to share the same golf experience, play at comparable speeds, and feel welcome and appreciated?

Introducing the Longleaf Tee System.


The Longleaf Tee System is a joint initiative of the American Society of Golf Course Architects and the U.S. Kids Golf Foundation. Our mission is to offer golf course owners and operators a practical, affordable way to adjust the length of their course in a manner that will enable more players to enjoy playing golf while keeping the design, integrity, and challenge of the layout intact.

This is no longer theory, it is proven data. We know firsthand through our experience as an owner that scaling our course with seven sets of tees on each hole makes golf more enjoyable for all players and more profitable. The results were immediate and they were profound!
— Dan Van Horn, Owner, Longleaf Golf & Family Club | President, U.S. Kids Golf Foundation